Julian Krzysiak

Full-Stack Web Developer


Selfie of Julian Krzysiak at Olympic National Park
Julian Krzysiak Full-Stack Web Developer

I am a full-stack web developer who likes to hike, dance, and learn everything about California natural history.

I like making websites that are clean, optimized, and accessible.

I work mostly in React and dabble in Svelte. Astro is nice for static sites, like this one.


Frontpage of the website, a nice landscape background with text explaining the road trip aspect.


A road trip planning web app where one can create detailed schedules for each day using a map. You can even share it with others and print it, too!

Frontpage of the website, showing an image of the scriptbook itself.


Commissioned website for Scriptbook, a new notebook with margins designed for script writing, useful for screenwriters, filmmakers, and more.

Frontpage showing a bon bon overlain by text, California Native Chocolate Alternative.


Commissioned website for Laurelate, a new brand creating alternative chocolates using California native plants.

Frontpage of the most recent webcomic.


Comissioned website for a weekly webcomic about the adventures of living with a silly creature.

Frontpage of a list of upcoming events in Antelope Valley and Los Angeles.

dry weekend

Curated list of local Antelope Valley and Los Angeles events.

A screenshot of website showing various art pieces.


Commissioned website for showcasing artist's select portfolio.

A screenshot of a calendar and list of plants that need watering.


Record when you watered your plants and when you need to water them next using a calendar.

A screenshot of information regarding a finished book.


Track what books you've read. Input ratings, reviews, finish dates, filter and search for books, and more.

A screenshot of 200 code displayed as coins fall from above.

404 page

404 Page for Codédex's monthly challenge.
